“My Restful Mind collaborates with industry leaders to introduce Emotional Intelligence (EI) as the cornerstone of workplace wellness. Hailing from the vibrant town of Waterloo, we’ve expanded globally, enhancing employee wellness and introducing cost savings for corporates, startups, banks, and hospitality sectors.”
Our team conducts mental health assessments that may involve confidential surveys/ screenings to identify the specific challenges and needs of employees. These assessments will allow us to identify areas of potential improvement and growth.
Designed according to each company’s specific needs, our customized EPA programs can walk your employees to their well-being in the workplace.
Our team specializes in risk assessment, urgent intervention, and management strategies and can provide immediate support or appropriate referrals in times of unexpected crisis or emergencies in the workplace.
“Harness the power of emotions to revolutionize your company’s wellness strategy and achieve substantial cost savings.”