mental health in the workplace

Workplace and Mental Health

Everything we do in our homes, with friends and even at work greatly impacts our mental health. While unemployment is definitely a major factors leading to depression or anxiety, studies show that even employed people face these issues. This narrows down to a negative workplace environment.

Healthy workplaces, successful companies


A negative working environment may lead to physical and mental health problems, harmful use of substances or alcohol, absenteeism and lost productivity. While firms and companies that promote mental health and support their employees, especially with mental disorders, are likely to reduce absences and increase productivity. This also increases profits on the long run.

Successful companies are aware that employees are one of their most valuable assets. Without them, the company simply cannot function. Therefore, special attention is paid to both their physical and mental health. Many organizations hold motivational sessions that help boost the employees’ self-esteem and encourage them to work together. In many cases they are encouraged to speak up if they have any mental health-related issues so that the organization can further aid them. Such activities increase the employee trust and develop loyalty.

Risk factors at the workplace

Risk factors for mental health are often present in a working environment. These include the type of work, the support available to the employees and the relations the employees have with the employer. Often, internal organizational politics adds to the risks. Hence, the senior management should always be cautious about employee interactions and protect them from harassment and unfair treatment at work.

For instance, we might see that a new recruit works with honesty and integrity. However their colleagues do not acknowledge the effort because they don’t want the ‘newbie’ to go into their boss’s good books. This type of jealousy and negative energy should be removed. Manager have an important role to play here.

Another example might be of an employee who has the skills required to complete tasks. But the workspace does not have required resources, or has unsupportive managerial or organizational practices.

Risks may also be related to job content, such as high workload, or unsafe working conditions. Some jobs have a higher personal risk than others and can have an impact on mental health. Such jobs can cause mental disorders or lead to harmful use of alcohol or drugs.

Risk Management

To reduce these risks, organizations should work towards creating a healthy work environment. Further, workers should be able to contribute to promoting and protecting the mental well-being of everyone at work.

Organizations can use a five-step approach to improve the existing work environment.

1. Inform the staff that any sort of support is readily available, including mental health services by professional therapists and counsellors.

2. Involve the employees in decision-making. This conveys a feeling of control and participation within the organization.

3. Recognize and reward the contribution of employees. Discourage office politics.

4. Protect mental health by reducing work-related risk factors and unfair work-load.

5. Arrange motivational sessions to boost confidence and remove the stigma around seeking help.

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