Woman in dress standing next to large traumatized face

Toxic Relationship = Poor Health

Unfortunately, the youth of today is extremely prone to issues related to mental health and various studies have proven that this is most likely due to relationship problems, breakups, divorces or indulging in toxic relationships.

Relationships can be really tricky and if not dealt with correctly and timely, a wrong turn of events can cause long-term effects that are not healthy for the mind and body.

There is no denying the fact that when a relationship becomes toxic, it can become a stress carrier but the real question arises: “How to tell if a relationship is toxic?”.

To cater to this question, one must explore a few clear and simple symptoms that almost always confirm the status of the relationship as negative and unhealthy.

1. Control Issues

With every argument, every fight you end up realizing that you’re always the one trying to manage the problems and your partner is always the one causing them. You are the one complying with all the issues and end up apologizing even if you didn’t start the argument in the first place.

2. Communication Problems

The most common symptom amongst struggling relationships is lack of communication. Even if you or your partner wants to share something that you previously used to share, both of you end up keeping the thoughts to yourself because you feel it might end up in another argument. Any time you express a concern, you end up with some sort of retaliation and anger.

3. You can’t be yourself

Because the relationship has become so confusing and topsy-turvy you realize that its better to act in a certain way. When this thought arises, it is almost inevitable that things are now on the point of no return. It’s only a matter of time before you or your partner self-destruct and put an end to things once and for all.
If you ever find yourself or someone else in a similar situation it is good to communicate the issue to the other half and try. If things don’t work out, its always good to walk out on good terms. Even though it might hurt at first but ending a toxic relationship can be one of the best decisions of your life.

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